(April 24-26, 2024)
In a few weeks, we will be holding a 3-day medical outreach in two villages. We are expecting to treat close to 2,000 people during this time. Yes, you read that right - 2,000!!
We are excited to announce that 11 dedicated nurses from the United States will be joining our team in Uganda to support this outreach. We have also recruited other Ugandan medical professionals to assist.
But it's not just about medical care - it is an opportunity where people can hear about and encounter the love of Jesus Christ. We have confidence that by working together, we can demonstrate Jesus' love through healthcare.
AND from our past experiences of doing other medical outreaches, God always shows up with signs, wonders and miracles... AND we are ready!
Will you consider being a part of this incredible outreach? Our target amount to raise is
AND we need your prayers. We are expectant for God, our Father, to be glorified during this time.
Will you join us?
Thank you in advance.
Living on Purpose, together....